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International Conference | 発表先 | Daisuke Miyamoto Laboratory


  • Offloading Smartphone Firewalling Using OpenFlow-capable Wireless Access Points
    Daisuke Miyamoto, Ryo Nakamura, Yuji Sekiya, Takeshi Takahashi
    In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications, 4 pages, Sydney, Australia, March 2016.
    • Toward Automated Vulnerability Monitoring Using Open Information and Standardized Tools
      Takeshi Takahashi, Daisuke Miyamoto, Koji Nakao
      In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications, 4 pages, Sydney, Australia, March 2016
      • Text mining-based Approach for Estimating Vulnerability Score
        Daisuke Miyamoto, Yasuhiro Yamamoto, Masaya Nakayama
        In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Building Analysis Datasets and Gathering Experience Returns for Security, pp, 67-73, Kyoto, Japan, November 2015.
        • INTERCEPT+: SDN Support for Live Migration-based Honeypots
          Ayumu Hirata, Daisuke Miyamoto, Masaya Nakayama, Hiroshi Esaki
          In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Building Analysis Datasets and Gathering Experience Returns for Security, pp,16-24, Kyoto, Japan, November 2015.
          • AJNA: Anti-phishing JS-based visual aNAlysis to Mitigate Users’ Excessive Trust in SSL/TLS
            Pernelle Mensah, Gregory Blanc, Kazuya Okada, Daisuke Miyamoto, Youki Kadobayashi
            In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Building Analysis Datasets and Gathering Experience Returns for Security, pp.74-84, Kyoto, Japan, November 2015
            • Eye Can Tell: On the Correlation between Eye Movement and Phishing Identification
              Daisuke Miyamoto, Blanc Gregory, Youki Kadobayashi
              In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP), pp.223-232, Istanbul, Turkey, November 2015.
              • RTOB: a TDMA-based MAC Protocol to Achieve High Reliability of One-hop Broadcast in VANET
                Fei Han, Daisuke Miyamoto, Yasushi Wakahara
                In Proceedings of the 12th IEEE Workshop on Managing Ubiquitous Communications and Services, pp.26-31, St.Louis, MO, USA, March 2015
                • EyeBit: Eye-Tracking Approach for Enforcing Phishing Prevention Habits
                  Daisuke Miyamoto, Takuji Iimura, Hajime Tazaki, Gregory Blanc, Youki Kadobayashi
                  In Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Building Analysis Datasets and Gathering Experience Returns for Security, Wroclaw, Poland, pp.56-65, September 2014.
                  • NECOMAtter: Curating Approach for Sharing Cyber Threat Information
                    Takuji Iimura, Daisuke Miyamoto, Hajime Tazaki, Youki Kadobayashi
                    In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Future Internet Technologies (CFI, poster session), June 2014.
                    • INTERCEPT: High-interaction Server-type Honeypot based on Live Migration
                      Daisuke Miyamoto, Satoru Teramura, Masaya Nakayama
                      In Proceedings of the 7th International ICST Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques (SimuTools), Lisbon, Portuguese, pp.147-152, March 2014.
                      • Toward Automated Reduction of Human Errors based on Cognitive Analysis
                        Daisuke Miyamoto, Takeshi Takahashi
                        In Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Advances in Information Security, pp.820-825, Taichung, July 2013.
                        • Reputation Scoring System Using an Economic Trust Model – A distributed approach to evaluate trusted third parties on the Internet
                          Marat Vyshegorodtsev, Daisuke Miyamoto, Yasushi Wakahara
                          In Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Security and Multimodality in Pervasive Environment, pp.730-737, Barcelona, Spain, March 2013.
                          • PhishCage: Reproduction of Fraudulent Websites in the Emulated Internet
                            Daisuke Miyamoto, Yuzo Taenaka, Toshiyuki Miyachi, Hiroaki Hazeyama
                            In Proceedings of the 6th International ICST Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques (SimuTools), pp.242-247, Cannes, France, March 2013.
                            • Poster Abstract: COSMO – Emulation of Internet Traffic
                              Daisuke Miyamoto, Toshiyuki Miyachi
                              In the 6th International ICST Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques (EMUTools workshop, poster session), March 2013.
                              • DNS-based Defense Against IP Spoofing Attacks
                                Eimatsu Moriyama, Takeshi Takahashi, Daisuke Miyamoto
                                In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Neural Information Processing, pp.599-609, Doha, Qatar, November 2012.
                                • Design and Evaluation of Area Limited Multicast with OpenFlow
                                  Kentaro Yoshida, Daisuke Miyamoto, Yuji Sekiya
                                  In Proceedings of the 3rd Annual International Conference on Network Technogies & Communications, Singapore, October 2012.
                                  • Area Limited Multicast with OpenFlow
                                    Kentaro Yoshida, Daisuke Miyamoto, Yuji Sekiya
                                    In AsiaFI School, Workshop, and Meetings (poster sesseion), August 2012.
                                    • Characterizing Obfuscated JavaScript using Abstract Syntax Trees: Experimenting with Malicious Scripts
                                      Blanc Gregory, Daisuke Miyamoto, Mitsuaki Akiyama, Youki Kadobayashi
                                      In Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE Workshops of International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, pp.344-351, Fukuoka, Japan, March 2012.
                                      • Taxonomical Approach to the Deployment of Traceback Mechanisms
                                        Takeshi Takahashi, Hiroaki Hazeyama, Daisuke Miyamoto, Youki Kadobayashi
                                        In Proceedings of the IEEE Baltic Conference on Future Internet Communications, pp.13-20, Riga, Latovijas, February 2011.
                                        • HumanBoost: Utilization of Users’ Past Trust Decision for Identifying Fraudulent Websites
                                          Daisuke Miyamoto, Hiroaki Hazeyama, Youki Kadobayashi
                                          In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP), pp.548-555, Bangkok, Thailand, December 2009
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